Artigos Científicos sobre Comunicação Não Violenta
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BAKKER, E. J. M. et al. Conflict or connection? A feasibility study on the implementation of a training based on connecting communication in a nursing curriculum. Nurse Education Today, v. 111, 2022.
EPINAT-DUCLOS, J. et al. Does nonviolent communication education improve empathy in French medical students? International Journal of Medical Education, v. 12, p. 205–218, 29 out. 2021.
KORLIPARA, M.; SHAH, H. “Power of words”: impact, concerns and applications of nonviolent communication training. European Journal of Training and Development, 10 out. 2022.
MARLOW, E. et al. Nonviolent Communication Training and Empathy in Male Parolees. Journal of Correctional Health Care, v. 18, n. 1, p. 8–19, 1 jan. 2012.
MUSEUX, A.-C. et al. Improving interprofessional collaboration: The effect of training in nonviolent communication. Social Work in Health Care, v. 55, n. 6, p. 427–439, 26 abr. 2016.
WACKER, R.; DZIOBEK, I. Preventing empathic distress and social stressors at work through nonviolent communication training: A field study with health professionals. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, v. 23, n. 1, p. 141–150, jan. 2018.
YANG, J.; KIM, S. An online communication skills training program for nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. PLoS ONE, v. 17, n. 5, p. e0268016, 4 maio 2022.